The Five at Five is a download of the best things to read, watch, shop, and get inspiration from – ready for the weekend.

This week’s curator is Jessica Warch, co-founder of Kimaï, the luxury sustainable jewelry brand, using lab-grown diamonds and recycled gold to bring some much needed transparency to the industry.

Read: Man’s Search for Meaning – one of the most motivating and inspiring books I’ve read, as a Hollacaust survivor and one of the most respected psychologists, Frankl argues we can’t avoid suffering, but we can learn to cope with it. Some really interesting life lessons for ways to be positive when bad things have happened to you – very relevant to what is going on in the world right now!

Watch: RBG – this documentary is a must watch! Probably very expected right now, but I believe many people are still unaware of what Ruth accomplished in her life and the huge impact just one person had on the life of women world-wide.

Listen: ‘All Out 00s’ playlist on Spotify – I’m usually listening to the Goop podcast on loop, but everything feels very serious at the moment and we all need a little escapism right now. There’s no better way to lighten the mood than a little Usher throwback.

Shop: This year I’ve been trying to really limit what I’m buying and making my purchases more considered, but I love supporting young, sustainable and smaller brands. I recently fell in love with Cesta Collective, I’m obsessed with their woven bags, but also everything they stand for. I love Ninety Percent for basics and Content Beauty & Wellbeing clean approach to their industry.

Inspiration: Sara Blakely – I would have to choose a female entrepreneur of course! Sara’s most well-known as the founder of Spanx, but she’s always super positive on her Instagram and shares loads about balancing her four kids, husband and managing a huge business. It’s amazing to see how down to earth they are, even after achieving so much success. Serious life goals.