10 tips for making your food brand stand out

11 avr. 2015

Crowd Munch Street Feast

London’s foodie scene is packed full of innovative and creative talent. This can be a bit daunting to new food brands. However, help is at hand as Crowdmunch, the food crowdfunding platform, shared with us their top 10 tips to set your food brand apart from the rest.

Interact with your audience via social media

Engage with your target audience using Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. This will allow them to ask you questions about your food, thus creating a community around your products. You can also put your message out there to the public.

Share your story

Let the public know what are your inspirations. What sparked your interest in food? Making your business more personal and heartfelt will grab people’s attention.

Crowdmunch street feast

Design a great logo

Be creative, but try not to over do it. You want to attract people’s attention, but not in a bad way! Neater logos can look more professional.

Have creative and effective packaging

What’s different about your packaging? Perhaps you could show that you’re eco-friendly and use wood cutlery and cardboard takeaway boxes.

Crowdmunch top tips

Offer fantastic customer service

When you show that you care about your customers, they will keep coming back for more. Plus, they could write good reviews on your social media.

Be an advocate for your food brand, not just a salesman

Talk to your fans on social media about why you like your food! When they see you enjoying your delicious food they’ll want some as well.

Make your brand have a personality that stands out

Your brand’s personality can be inspired from anything, whether it be from one of your passions or from within yourself. This will make people feel more warmly towards your food brand.

Crowdmunch Appear Here

Have good morals and support the community

You could choose a charity to join up with and raise money for. Or, you might even volunteer to cater local events. Helping the community will make people respect your brand.

Quality, quality, quality

This is very important; make sure the food you’re using is great quality!

Incorporate your other passions in life to your food brand

This will make your brand even more interesting, and definitely different from your competitors.

Crowdmunch chicken wings Appear Here

By following these tips, you are on the right path to creating your own successful and unique food brand. Remember to always stay on top of the current trends to keep your brand fresh and new.

Inspired to launch your own pop-up restaurant or cafe? Check out our Food Residencies collection for the best spaces.