Chimera and Diptyque reveal their top tips for providing fantastic in-store service
23 Aug 2019
Retail relies heavily on human connection, which means there’s huge pressure on your team to get it right. If you’re investing in a physical space, you should be ensuring the utmost quality in every corner of your store, from windows to cashpoint. Really, it’s all about the people.

We all know that your brand’s first point of contact is through floor-staff and yet recruitment is often left to the last minute. Proper training tends to fall to the wayside once an opening is on the horizon, but we’d recommend starting as early in the process as possible.
Aligning your in-store service with the quality of your brand will guarantee a flawless shopping experience. We asked Chimera and Diptyque for their top tips:

1. Prior training is paramount
If your store is only open for a short period of time, it’s vital that you train your staff far in advance of opening so they can live and breathe the brand with confidence. The window to champion your business is small so ensure your customers have an amazing experience from beginning (the welcome) to end (the checkout).
“There’s limited time to make an impression. Make sure those who are representing your brand know it inside out, so when you open your doors you’re ready.”
Claire Watt, Head of Commercial Sales Diptyque

2. Don’t forget the human touch
Create a relationship with your customer by using personalised gestures that remind them of the people behind the brand. This is a tactic adopted by Diptyque, who forgo typed computer notes in favour of hand-writing order notes. Nostalgic and intimate, this detail shows a customer that someone has spent time crafting this message just for them.
“Provide personal touches such as handwritten notes to create a relationship and incentivise brand loyalty.”
Dan Horner, Co-founder Chimera

3. Slow down and listen up
It may sound simple but the art of deep listening is invaluable. Allow the customer time to explain and avoid interrupting them, making assumptions or rushing them to get to the point. Offer your time to really understand their specific needs without judgement or haste and they’ll thank you for it.
“Listening is one of the most important aspects in selling a product. Don’t assume to know what the customer wants by just talking at them, take the time to hear what they have to say.”
Dan Horner, Co-founder Chimera

4. Comparing two options help customers focus
Try comparing two products rather than displaying multiple products at once. Several options tend to confuse the customer and this also risks overshadowing certain items. Chimera adopt this strategy to keep things clear and not overcomplicate the presentation with too much choice.
“If there are always two items being compared at the same time, it is easier for the customer to choose a preference.”
Dan Horner, Co-founder Chimera

5. Remember shop floor etiquette
Your floor staff are the gateway to your brand and your customers will remember this introduction. Needless to say, it needs to be spot on. Chimera suggests: no phones, good grooming, encourage conversation with open questions and, most importantly, always smile.
“Don’t underestimate the power of a smile. It completely sets the tone for the customer’s experience and allows them to relax.”
Dan Horner, Co-founder Chimera
If you’re thinking of opening a store and want to maximise your brand experience, our Additions team are here to help. They can offer expertise on everything to set up shop - from fit-out to staffing.