The Five at Five is a download of the best things to read, watch, shop, and get inspiration from – ready for the weekend. Each week, we’ll be bringing you selections from different tastemakers in our community, so you can delve into what’s keeping them entertained.

This week’s curator is Emilie Holmes, founder of Good & Proper Tea, the award-winning specialist tea suppliers. Find them in your favourite neighbourhood cafes, or get delivered direct to your door.

I'm finding it harder to concentrate at the moment so going at a snail's pace, but I'm currently reading Why I’m No Longer Talking to White People About Race by Reni Eddo-Lodge after multiple recommendations. I am, hopefully like many others, determined to read more on the subject of race with everything going on in order to better understand the issue and then be more active in pushing for change.

We've been binging on the final series of Homeland – Clare Danes is as brilliant as ever. I also just watched The 13th for similar reasons to above which was fascinating. Next up - Little Fires Everywhere!

I'm a big fan of podcasts and I've even swapped music for podcasts while running. Louis Theroux's Grounded has been an entertaining new one during lockdown – I love his uniquely disarming interview style.

I haven't bought many clothes during lockdown as I can't work out what season or occasion to browse for! I have, however, loved shopping for delicious things to eat and drink. Along with plenty of Good & Proper Tea supplies arriving on our doorstep, we've also tried delicious coffee from Yallah and Assembly and an amazing DIY burger dinner from Patty & Bun. Highly recommended!

I'd have to second David from Grind in saying Jacinda Ardem – the NZ prime minister. What a legend! She's an inspiration to all of us, but particularly to any female leaders in business, politics or otherwise. Tough yet reassuring, competent yet empathetic, she's got it all and now New Zealand is COVID-free. And all with a 2 year-old knocking around the house too...