The Five at Five is a download of the best things to read, watch, shop, and get inspiration from – ready for the weekend. Each week, we’ll be bringing you selections from different tastemakers in our community, so you can delve into what’s keeping them entertained.

This week’s curator is Atip Wananuruks, former fashion director at HighSnobiety, now creative consultant and art director.

The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck - it’s an ongoing read and a reset for these uncertain times.

During the evenings and days we’ve binged on Normal People and Hollywood and last but not least The Last Dance – Michael Jordan.

The best of The Eagles, America (Ventura Highway/Horse with no name) and 70's Spotify playlists– a time when lyrics meant something and life/music really resonated.

Anything food related right now. Asian supermarkets have been a saviour, such as Ajinomoto Gyoza. Also, Bread Station. I’m trying to support local businesses who have adapted.

My family. Having this time with my family hanging out with the kids, really puts life into perspective.