From hidden-gems to places to people-watch, from bookshops to beauty spots – here is some inspiration, celebrating the independents in our local neighborhoods around the world.
This week’s selection has been curated by Patrik Rolf, the founder of April Coffee Roastery, based in Copenhagen. Not only did Patrik launch a caffeinated brand, but the Gothenburg native also launched a clothing line and wrote a book, ‘From Nerd to Professional - a coffee journey’.

Patrik believes that sustainability can only be achieved through working with others; that quality should never be compromised; that, unless you love what you do, you shouldn’t do it; and that it is possible to make the world a better place through coffee. We couldn’t agree more.

“Nobelhart & Schmutzig in Berlin. It's the perfect experience. Integrity, quality mixed in with a willingness to support locally. They make the concept of fine dining meaningful in a way that I haven't experienced in any other restaurant.”

“It's hard to beat the diversity of Shibuya, Tokyo. The sea of people, all on the way somewhere and nowhere.”

“The Painted Porch, Texas, has a selection of books and a focus on the written word that inspires new generations.”

“The desert, there is a unique calmness there. I can't put a word on it other than stillness. Something I have searched for all my life but never found. I found it for the first time last year in the middle of a desert.”

“Istanbul, even though I don't really shop. Istanbul is alive, more so than any other city I have ever been. You never know what you will find but it's always a journey.”