The Five at Five is a download of the best things to read, watch, shop, and get inspiration from – ready for the weekend. Each week, we’ll be bringing you selections from different tastemakers in our community, so you can delve into what’s keeping them entertained.

This week’s curator is Florence Adepoju, Founder of an edit of multi-use cosmetic products that enable you to customise your beauty experience and learn what ingredients truly work.

Read: I'm at the tail end of reading rapper Gucci Mane's autobiography, one of my favourite quotes from the book is “Part of being young is being brave. And part of being brave is being a little brazen, being a little reckless. It's safe to say I've always been that.” I relate to this so much as a young entrepreneur.

Watch: I'm currently watching The Netflix documentary: Journey of an African Colony, It traces Nigeria's history of slave trade and colonial occupation and then independence. As a British born Nigerian I am learning so much about my history, they say you need to know the past to understand the future.

Listen: I'm obsessed with Leon Bridges debut album Coming Home, especially at the end of the day when I'm trying to wind down.

Shop: My debut skincare product Everything Oil has been helping me get through the dry winter days.

Inspiration: Female entrepreneurs making money will always be my jam.